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Motor R&D Lab- needed Equipment's

Why needed
Software Design & simulation 
Full Performance Motor Test System/ Dynamometer  1.Torque vs. Speed Analysis
2. No-Load and Full Load Characteristics
3. Power Consumption Analysis
4. Starting Characteristics of Motor (including PTC, Capacitor, OLP)
5.  Horsepower Range 1/4HP to 1-1/2HP
 Rotor Test System
1.Number of Bars
2. Average Rotor Impedance
3. Impedance Variation
4. Bar Skew
Turns Counter/Resistance Meter Coil couter &  measurement 
Power analyzer & LCR meter  Power analyzer and impedance analysis 
Signal Generator To generate customized AC/DC Signal
Oscilloscope To analyze Signals, freequencies, waveforms
Electrical sheet tester for motor  Silicon sheet verification with simulation data
Lock Rotor Tester To determine max currents, temperature rise
Enemeled Wire Testing Machine Determining Electrical & Mechanical
Characteristics of wire
